Sustainably grown best case practices.
Farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations.
The market showcases a diverse selection of 100 miles of local Appalachian farmers
Ethnically sourced meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones.
"Good Faith Grown" Practices
All the cards are on the table. Know your farmer,their growing methods and how going the extra mile can enhance your food experience.
Our focus is on food grown locally without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers , synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation.
Of agricultural soils are already degraded
Why Save Soil?
Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru, to address the soil crisis by bringing together people from around the world to stand up for Soil Health, and supporting leaders of all nations to institute national policies and actions toward increasing the organic content in cultivable Soil.
The power of Sunflowers
No way! No Spray!
Good faith Grown
Fields of Sunflowers are being used to clean up the hundred year patterns of heavy metal poisoning surrounding old manufacturing plants and even the fields of Chernobyl, the worst official nuclear power disaster in history. After looking at the facts, bioremediation might just become an important element to the redevelopment and safety of the city's historic and urban neighborhoods.
Pesticide-free" is used by farmers who don't use synthetic herbicides, insecticides, or fungicides, much like conscious farmers. They may or may not use synthetic fertilizers or genetically modified plants or seeds.
We strive to showcase Organic growers but were ARE NOT certified Organic.
Sadly Organic has become a buzzword and food trend. The truth is most food is not organic to it original natures design.. We do the best to ensure food quality. We do not call ourselves an Organic market because of the legal jargon associated with that claim.
We are however "Good Faith Grown."
Good Faith Grown™ is our pledge as a grower to you, the consumer, that our products are as free from chemicals as we can make them. Where chemicals are used, we publish full disclosure as to what they are and why we use them. That allows you to decide what’s best for you and your family, without having to pay the high cost of so-called ‘certified’ organic. Honesty. Integrity. Good Faith Grown™
Good Faith Grown is the premier honest labeling program for promoting straightforward product information between producers and consumers. GFG gives you the trustworthy information you need to decide what's best for you and your family.